Mechanical Engineering Program Automotive Engineering Program
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Kim, Beom Seok
Heat and Mass Transfer, Energy Systems
Journal Papers
◾ Exploration adsorption characteristics of zeolite 13X depending on humidity and flow rate in sorption thermal energy storage applications, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.221 pp.125049~, 2024
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Surface roughening and hemi-wicking: Synergistic impact on flow boiling, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol.268 pp.109021~, 2024
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Fluid flow to electricity: Capturing flow-induced vibrations with MEMS-based piezoelectric energy harvester, Micromachines, vol.15 No.5 pp.518~, 2024
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Parametric Study on the Design of 50 kW-Transformer for Electric Vehicles Considering Electromagnetic-Thermal Characteristics, Transactions of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering B, vol.48 No.3 pp.167~174, 2024
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Free-standing nanowire printed surfaces with high variability in substrate selection for boiling heat transfer enhancement, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.212 pp.124313~, 2023
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Superbiphilic patterned nanowires with wicking for enhanced pool boiling heat transfer, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol.249 pp.108280~, 2023
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Evaluation of the functional acceptability of the ITER vacuum vessel, Nuclear Fusion, vol.63 No.1 pp.016003~, 2022
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhanced boiling heat transfer by nucleation patterning with self-assembly of reduced graphene oxide coating, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.197 pp.123329~, 2022
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Preliminary assessment of the safety factors in K-DEMO for fusion compatible regulatory framework, Scientific Reports, vol.12 No.1, 2022
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Status of HCCR TBM program for DEMO blanket, Fusion Engineering and Design, vol.171, 2021
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Effects of radiative local heating on metal solidification during selective laser melting for additive manufacturing, Applied Surface Science, vol.496 pp.143594~, 2019
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhanced nucleate boiling using a reduced graphene oxide-coated micropillar, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.109 pp.104331~, 2019
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Heat-Absorbing Capacity of High-Heat-Flux Components in Nuclear Fusion Reactors, Energies, vol.12 No.19 pp.3771~, 2019
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Assessment of the activation induced by neutron irradiation in K-DEMO and thermal response under the decay heat, Fusion Engineering and Design, vol.146 Part B pp.2323~2327, 2019
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Analysis on the radio-activation and decay heat induced by fusion neutrons in K-DEMO breeding blanket, Transactions of Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering C, vol.7 No.1 pp.1~7, 2019
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhanced boiling heat transfer using self-actuated nanobimorphs, Nano Letters, vol.18 No.10 pp.6392~6396, 2018
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhanced boiling heat transfer on nanowire-forested surfaces under subcooling conditions, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.120 pp.1020~1030, 2018
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhancing thermal stability and uniformity in boiling heat transfer using micro-nano hybrid surfaces (MNHS), Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.130 pp.710~721, 2018
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Nano-inspired smart interfaces: fluidic interactivity and its impact on heat transfer, Scientific Reports, vol.7 pp.45323~, 2017
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer using aligned silicon nanowire arrays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol.9 No.20 pp.17595~17602, 2017
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Thermal design of helium cooled divertor for reliable operation, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol.110 pp.1578~1588, 2017
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Surface roughening for hemi-wicking and its impact on convective boiling heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.102 pp.1100~1107, 2016
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Nano-inspired fluidic interactivity for boiling heat transfer: impact and criteria, Scientific Reports, vol.6 pp.34348~, 2016
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Thermo‑mechanical analysis of an internal cooling system with various configurations of a combustion liner after shell, Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.51 No.12 pp.1779~1790, 2015
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Broadband radiative energy absorption using a silicon nanowire forest with silver nanoclusters for thermal energy conversion, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.82 pp.267~272, 2015
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Local nucleation propagation on heat transfer uniformity during subcooled convective boiling, Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.51 No.1 pp.1~9, 2015
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Jet impingement in a crossflow configuration: Convective boiling and local heat transfer characteristics, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol.50 pp.378~385, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Interfacial wicking dynamics and its impact on critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer, Applied Physics Letters, vol.105 No.19 pp.191601~, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Flow boiling heat transfer on nanowire-coated surfaces with highly wetting liquid, Energy, vol.76 pp.428~435, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ The race of nanowires: morphological instabilities and a control strategy, Nano Letters, vol.14 No.8 pp.4395~4399, 2014
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◾ A facile route for the fabrication of large-scale gate-all-around nanofluidic field-effect transistors with low leakage current, Lab on a Chip, vol.12 No.14 pp.2568~2574, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Post-heating effects on the physical and electrochemical capacitive properties of reduced graphene oxide paper, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, vol.2 No.14 pp.5077~5086, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Stable and uniform heat dissipation by nucleate-catalytic nanowires for boiling heat transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.70 No.0 pp.23~32, 2014
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Heat transfer and fluid flow on dimpled surface with bleed flow, Heat Transfer Engineering, vol.35 No.6-8 pp.641~650, 2013
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Thermal characteristics of inclined plate impinged by underexpanded sonic jet, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.62 No.1 pp.223~229, 2013
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Double-templated electrodeposition: Simple fabrication of micro-nano hybrid structure by electrodeposition for efficient boiling heat transfer, Applied Physics Letters, vol.101 No.25 pp.251909~, 2012
[원문보기] 김범석
◾ Multi-variable thermal design of T-structured phase-change memory cell using advanced response surface method, Microelectronic Engineering, vol.91 No.0 pp.1~8, 2012
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◾ Tuning the morphology of copper nanowires by controlling the growth processes in electrodeposition, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol.21 No.44 pp.17967~17971, 2011
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◾ High-performance vertical hydrogen sensors using Pd-coated rough Si nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol.21 No.40 pp.15935~15939, 2011
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◾ Control of superhydrophilicity/superhydrophobicity using silicon nanowires via electroless etching method and fluorine carbon coatings, Langmuir, vol.27 No.16 pp.10148~10156, 2011
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◾ Over 95% of large-scale length uniformity in template-assisted electrodeposited nanowires by subzero-temperature electrodeposition, Nanoscale Research Letters, vol.6 No.1 pp.467~, 2011
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◾ Micro-nano hybrid structures with manipulated wettability using a two-step silicon etching on a large area, Nanoscale Research Letters, vol.6 No.1 pp.333~, 2011
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◾ Optimization of microscale vortex generators in a microchannel using advanced response surface method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.54 No.1-3 pp.118~125, 2011
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◾ Direct measurement of the in vitro hemoglobin content of erythrocytes using the photo-thermal effect of the heme group, Analyst, vol.135 No.9 pp.2365~1271, 2010
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◾ Optimal design of transverse ribs in tubes for thermal performance enhancement, Energy, vol.35 No.6 pp.2400~2406, 2010
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◾ Optimal design of angled rib turbulators in a cooling channel, Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.45 No.12 pp.1617~1625, 2009
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◾ Influence of upper layer on measuring thermal conductivity of multilayer thin films using differential 3-w method, Thin Solid Films, vol.517 No.2 pp.933~936, 2008
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◾ Dual thermopile integrated microfluidic calorimeter for biochemical thermodynamics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol.5 No.2 pp.255~262, 2008
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◾ Measurement of adiabatic wall temperature in compressible high speed impinging jets using infra-red camera, The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, vol.35 No.8 pp.714~719, 2007
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Conference Papers
◾ 안태진, 김민재, 박준성, 박지우, 나재호, 김범석, 전력변환장치에서 연료전지 DC-DC 컨버터를 위한 나선형채널의 냉각 설계(Cooling Design of Serpentine-Channel for Fuel Cell DC-DC Conversion system), 2024년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 (2024 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference), 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024김범석
◾ Ki Jung Kim, Jin Gu Kang, Hyeukgyu Kim, Sung Kook Hong, Beom Seok Kim, Influence of Initial Water Uptake on Charging Characteristics of Zeolite 13X in Thermochemical Heat Storage Systems, The 1st. International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer inside Porous Media: Fundamentals and Applications (ICHMT-PM2024), Xi'an (China), 2024김범석
◾ 강진구, 김혁규, 김범석, Poloidal 방향으로의 불 균일한 중성자 벽 부하가 증식 블랑켓 핵열침착 분포에 끼치는 영향 분석(Impact of Poloidal Non-Uniform NWL Distribution on the Nuclear Heat Deposition of Breeding Blanket), 2024년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 (2024 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference), 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024김범석
◾ 김혁규, 강진구, 김범석, Pulsed plasma operation에 따른 핵융합 증식블랑켓 동적 열부하 평가(Evaluation of Thermal Load of Breeding Blanket under Pulsed Plasma Operation), 2024년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 (2024 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference), 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024김범석
◾ 김범석, 문호규, 조형희, (초청강연) Thermal Load Analysis and Design Approaches for In-vessel Components in Fusion Tokamak, 2024년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회 (2024 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference), 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2024김범석
◾ Dohee Lee, Hong-Tack Kim, Young Min Park, Kwon Hee Hong, Nam Il Her, Jungsup Choi, Jinhyun Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Jeong Whan Moon, Sung Moo Ryew, A design progress of an articulated robotic arm for a fusion experimental device, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (Ireland), 2024김범석
◾ Heungsoo Park, Nak-Kyun Cho, Beom Seok Kim, Effect of cooling path design of gas turbine combustion liner on elastic shakedown boundary, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC 2024), Coventry (UK), 2024김범석
◾ 박흥수, 조락균, 김범석, 손용, 연시모, 조윤화, 가스 터빈 연소기 라이너의 냉각 경로 최적화에 따른 탄성 셰이크다운 한계 분석 (Effect of Optimized Cooling Path on Elastic Shakedown Boundary of Gas Turbine Combustion Liner), 2024년도 대한기계학회 재료 및 파괴부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 서귀포 칼호텔, 2024김범석
◾ Dohee Lee, Hong-Tack Kim, Young Min Park, Kwon Hee Hong, Nam Il Her, Jinhyun Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Jeong Whan Moon and Sung Moo Ryew, High-level operation ccenario of MPD for fusion experimental device, 3rd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (IFPC), 올림픽파크텔(서울), 2024김범석
◾ 박성현, 김정민, 김혁규, 이동현, 홍성국, 위덕재, 김범석, Flat tube의 종횡비에 따른 상변화 잠열 저장 시스템의 열전달 성능에 미치는 영향 평가 (Effect of the aspect ratio of flat tube on the heat transfer performance of phase change latent heat storage systems), 2024년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력 공학부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 제주특별자치도 제주시 노연로 12, 그랜드하얏트 제주, 2024김범석
◾ 김기정, 강진구, 김혁규, 홍성국, 김범석, 반응기 형상 변화에 따른 물리 흡착 열저장 시스템의 방열 성능 연구 (A study on the heat discharging performance of physical adsorption thermal energy storage system according to the reactor shape changes), 2024년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력 공학부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 제주특별자치도 제주시 노연로 12, 그랜드하얏트 제주, 2024김범석
◾ 강진구, 김혁규, 김범석, Flow-induced vibration을 응용한 MEMS 풍력 에너지 하베스터 설계 (Design of MEMS wind energy harvester utilizing flow-induced vibration), 2024년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력 공학부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 그랜드하얏트 제주, 2024김범석
◾ Jun-Yeol Ryu, SuYeon Cho, Dong Jae Lee, Yangjin Shin, Geun Wan Koo, Junsung Park, Beom Seok Kim, and Hyun-Soo Seol, Design method of transformer in LLC resonant converters considering electro-magnetic and thermal characteristics, Proceedings of The IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2024), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 2024김범석
◾ Hyeukgyu Kim, Sung Hyun Park, Hyun-Soo Seol, Jun-Yeol Ryu, Junsung Park, Beom Seok Kim, Cooling design of 50 kW-transformer for fuel cell DC-DC converter considering electromagnetic-thermal characteristics, Proceeding of the 37th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS37), Seoul, 2024김범석
◾ 강진구, 김혁규, 김기정, 홍성국, 김범석, 작동 유체의 절대습도 및 유량변화에 따른 물리흡착 열저장 시스템의 흡착 특성 평가 연구 (Study on the adsorption characteristics of a thermal energy storage system according to the absolute humidity and flow rate changes), 2024년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 제주, 2024김범석
◾ Sung Hyun Park, Hyeukgyu Kim, Minho Kwon, Junhyeok Jegal, Beom Seok Kim, Cooling design of heatsink for GaN device in power conversion system, Proceeding of the 37th International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS37), Seoul, 2024김범석
◾ 안태진, 강진구, 문정환, 류성무, 이도희, 김홍택, 박영민, 홍권희, 허남일, 김진현, 김범석, 핵융합 장치를 위한 원격유지로봇의 베이킹 열처리 상황에서 발열량에 따른 로봇의 열적 거동에 대한 수치해석 연구 (Numerical analysis on thermal behavior according to heat generation during baking heat process of remote handling robots for fusion devices), 2024년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회 (2024 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference), 제주, 2024김범석
◾ 안태진, 강진구, 문정환, 류성무, 이도희, 김홍택, 박영민, 홍권희, 허남일, 김진현, 김범석, 베이킹 열처리 상황에서 원격유지로봇의 열적 거동에 대한 수치해석 연구(Numerical Analysis on the Thermal Behavior of Remote Handling Robot System in Baking Process), 2023년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 송도 (송도 컨벤시아), 2023김범석
◾ 김혁규, 박성현, 이동현, 홍성국, 김범석, 수직 Multi-Flat Tubes가 잠열 저장 시스템의 방열과정에 미치는 영향 평가(Effects of the Vertical Multi-Flat Tubes on Discharging Process of Latent heat Thermal Energy Storage Systems), 2023년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 송도 (송도 컨벤시아), 2023김범석
◾ 김기정, 강진구, 김혁규, 홍성국, 김범석, Zeolite 13x를 이용한 Large-scale 반응기의 형상 변수가 열-유동 특성에 끼치는 영향에 대한 연구(A Study on the Effects of Geometric Parameters of a Large-Scale Reactor using Zeolite 13X on Thermo-Fluidic Characteristics), 2023년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 송도 (송도 컨벤시아), 2023김범석
◾ 박성현, 권민호, 제갈준혁, 김혁규, 김범석, 전력 변환 시스템용 방열판의 방열 특성 개선을 위한 수치해석적 파라미터 연구(Numerical Analysis of Parameters for Enhancing Thermal Characteristics of Heat Sinks in Power Conversion Systems), 2023년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 송도 (송도 컨벤시아), 2023김범석
◾ 강진구, 이현정, 박성현, 안태진, 김범석, KSTAR In-Vessel Control Coil Case의 와전류 손실 감소를 위한 유도가열 실험 연구(Inductive Heating Experimental Study for Reducing Eddy Current Loss at KSTAR In-vessel Control Coil Case), 2023년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 송도 (송도 컨벤시아), 2023김범석
◾ J. Choi, J. W. Moon, S. M. Ryew, D. Lee, H. Kim, Y. M. Park, K. H. Hong, N. I. Her, B. S. Kim, J. Kim, Digital twin framework for remote maintenance of nuclear fusion devices, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023, Detroit (US), 2023김범석
◾ Dohee Lee, Hong-Tack Kim, Young Min Park, Kwon Hee Hong, Nam Il Her, Jinhyun Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Jeong Whan Moon, Sung Moo Ryew, An articulated robotic arm for a fusion experiment device remote handling, 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (IFPC) & 13th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (OS 2023) Proceedings, 부산 (대한민국), 2023김범석
◾ Jin Gu Kang, Hyun Jung Lee, Kwang Pyo Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Exploring the trade-off between magnetic field performance and heat generation in a in-vessel control coil (IVCC), 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (IFPC) & 13th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (OS 2023) Proceedings, 부산, 2023김범석
◾ Jin Gu Kang, Hyun Jung Lee, Beom Seok Kim, Impact of input current on electromagnetic and thermo-mechanical behaviors of KSTAR IVCC, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 2023 Proceedings, Munich, 2023김범석
◾ 강진구, 이현정, 장민용, 박성현, 김범석, Evaluation of the Electromagnetic/Thermal Characteristic of the In-vessel Control Coil of KSTAR by changing the Magnitude and Frequency of the Input Current, 2023 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference, 대전(한국발전인재개발원), 2023김범석
◾ 김혁규, 박성현, 장민용, 설현수, 유준열, 박준성, 김범석, Numerical Approach on the Electromagnetic-Thermal Effects on Molding Housing of 50 kW-Transformer for Electric Vehicle, 2023 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference, 대전(한국발전인재개발원), 2023김범석
◾ 김경호, 문석우, 홍성국, 윤시원, 위덕재, 김범석, Transient Thermal Characteristics of Sorption Thermal Energy Storage System according to Operating Conditions, 2023 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference, 부산(파라다이스호텔), 2023김범석
◾ 김혁규, 문석우, 박준성, 김범석, Parametric Study on 5 kW Transformer of Electric Vehicle for Improving Heat Transfer Characteristic, 2022 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference, 제주, 2022김범석
◾ 문석우, 김경호, 홍성국, 윤시원, 위덕재, 김범석, A Study on the Evaluation of Transient State Performance for a Thermal Energy Storage System using Zeolite 13X, 2022 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference, 제주, 2022김범석
◾ 강진구, 박성현, 박성현, 이현정, 김현욱, 이근수, 김광표, 박갑래, 김범석, Thermo-mechanical Behavior of KSTAR In-vessel Control Coil during Electromagnetic Heating Operation, 2022 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference, 제주, 2022김범석
◾ Jingu Kang, Hyunjung Lee, Hyun Wook Kim, Sunghyun Park, Minyong Jang, Kwang Pyo Kim, Beom Seok Kim, Parametric studies on electromagnetic and thermofluidic characterization of in-vessel control coil in KSTAR, Proceedings of the 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dubrovnik (Croatia), 2022김범석
◾ 김범석, Preliminary assessment on the preparedeness of fusion compatible regulatory framework for K-DEMO, 2022 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference, 온라인, 2022김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, 문성보, Preliminary study on evaluation affecting licensibility of a nuclear fusion demonstration reactor, 2021 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Fall Conference, 광주 김대중컨벤션센터, 2021김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, Views on International Framework for Fusion Design Safety and Regulation, Proceedings on Consultancy Meeting on Proposals for Fusion Design Safety and Regulation IAEA Framework Development, Vienna (online), 2021김범석
◾ 김범석, Role of mechanical engineering for a possible fusion power plant – from the assessment of energy sources to the preparedness of regulations, 2021 Proceedings of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME) Annual Spring Conference, 온라인, 2021김범석
◾ 문성보, 김범석, 홍석호, 발생인자 분석을 활용한 한국형 핵융합 실증로의 사고시 방사능 선원항 발생량 분석(Analysis on radioactive source term of Korean fusion DEMO reactor using multiplication factor in accident situation), 2020년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 온라인, 2020김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, 한국형 핵융합실증로 내부에너지항 평가 및 안전규제체계 분석 연구(Safety assessment in Korean demonstration fusion reactor for its licensibility), 2020년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 온라인, 2020김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, 핵융합실증로의 안전 인허가 개요(Conceptual study on the regulatory transferability from nuclear fission to fusion), 한국압력기기공학회 2020년도 학술대회, 온라인, 2020김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, S-H. Hong, Regulatory environment in Korea: Ways from KSTAR to Demonstration reactor, 1st Joint IAEA-ITER Technical Meeting on Safety and Radiation Protection for Fusion Reactors, Vienna (online), 2020김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, S-H. Hong, Preparation of fusion regulation: Checking the transferability of the nuclear fission regulation to fusion, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020), Croatia (online), 2020김범석
◾ S. Cho, M.-Y. Ahn, Y.-B. Chun, H. Gwon, H. G. Jin, B. S. Kim, C.-S. Kim, J.-I. Kim, S.-K. Kim, D. Y. Ku, C. W. Lee, D. W. Lee, E. H. Lee, H.-Y. Lee, Y. Lee, S. D. Park, S. C. Park, Y.-H. Park, C. W. Shin, S.-K. Son, J. S. Yoon, S. Yun, Status of HCCR TBM Program for DEMO Blanket, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020), Croatia (online), 2020김범석
◾ S.-H. Hong, H. C. Kim, K. Kim, H. K. Choi, H. H. Lee, E. Bang, S. Kwon, B. S. Kim, An overview of Korean DEMO reactor, ICCEMT 2019, Online, 2019김범석
◾ 김범석, 임기학, 김홍택, 권성진, 홍석호, K-DEMO 핵융합실증로의 에너지원항: 중수소-삼중수소 반응에 따른 블랑켓 및 디버터 구조물의 붕괴열과 비방사능 평가(Safety issues on K-DEMO energy source terms: decay heat and specific activity in a blanket and divertor due to D-T fusion reaction), 2019년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 제주, 2019김범석
◾ 홍석호, 권성진, 김경민, 오상준, 김범석, 김기만, 김형찬, 김홍택, 오동근, 최희경, 이형호, 권순필, 서동철, 방은남, 정로헝, 오승태, 손수현, 강지성, 김현욱, 홍성희, 홍권희, 김양수, Introduction to K-DEMO Design Activity, 2019년도 한국원자력학회 춘계학술발표회, 제주, 2019김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, B. C. Kim, K. Im, H. Kim, S. Kwon, J. Park, H. J. Lee, Thermal behavior of conceptual blankets in K-DEMO under decay heat induced by neutron irradiation, 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Sicily, Italy, 2018김범석
◾ 김범석, 김홍택, 권성진, 박종성, 임기학, K-DEMO 핵융합실증로의 증식블랑켓 방사화특성 평가 및 붕괴열 처리 설계(Characterization of decay heat of K-DEMO breeding blanket components induced by neutron irradiation and its thermal management), 2017년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 제주, 2017김범석
◾ 임기학, 홍석호, 김경민, 김홍택, 염준호, 박종성, 권성진, 김범석, 각국의 DEMO 장치 개념 개발 현황(Status of DEMO device development in advanced country), 2017 추계 원자력학회 양자공학 및 핵융합기술 부회 워크샵, 경주, 2017김범석
◾ 이남규, 이동휘, 최지홍, 조형희, 김범석, 마이크로-나노 복합구조물을 이용한 임계열유속 특성 연구(Heat transfer characteristics of critical heat flux on micro-nano hybrid structure), 2017년도 한국유체기계학회 하계학술대회, 목포, 2017김범석
◾ 최지홍, 이남규, 김범석, 김경민, 조형희, 강제대류 비등 열전달에서의 표면 거칠기가 임계열유속에 미치는 영향(Surface roughness effect on critical heat flux in flow boiling), 2016년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 강원랜드, 2016김범석
◾ Beom Seok Kim, Thomas Gemming, Hyung Hee Cho, Breakthroughs in convective heat transfer via nano-inspired functionalized interfaces, Europe-Korea Conference on Science and Technology 2016 (9th EKC), Berlin, Germany, 2016김범석
◾ 이남규, 김범석, 최지홍, 심동일, 조형희, 비등열전달 시 표면 구조물에 의한 열응력 변화 연구, 2016년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력부문 춘계학술대회, 한국서부발전, 2016김범석
◾ 이남규, 이환성, 김범석, 임준수, 조형희, 표면 구조물 직경 변화에 따른 임계열유속 특성 연구(A study on critical heat flux with diameter change of structure on surface), 2015년도 한국유체기계학회 동계학술대회, 제주, 2015김범석
◾ Beom Seok Kim, “Smart Interface" Breakthroughs in heat transfer via nanotech., Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Augsburg, Germany, 2015김범석
◾ Namkyu Lee, Hwanseong Lee, Beom Seok Kim, Geehong Choi, Dong-Il Shim, Hyung Hee Cho, Evaluation of wicking performance with heat transfer on nanopillar surface, The 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Leoben, Austria, 2015김범석
◾ Dong-Il Shim, Hwanseong Lee, Donghwi Lee, Joon Soo Lim, Beom Seok Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, Effect of nanowire height on boiling heat transfer, The 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Leoben, Austria, 2015김범석
◾ Geehong Choi, Joon Soo Lim, Beom Seok Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, Flow boiling heat transfer on nanowire surface using FC-72 and water, The 26th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Leoben, Austria, 2015김범석
◾ Namkyu Lee, Beom Seok Kim, Geehong Choi, Hyung Hee Cho, Effect of heat generation by neutron wall load on divertor module, The 12th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT), Jeju, Korea, 2015김범석
◾ Taehwan Kim, Jae Baek Han, Hwanseong Lee, Beom Seok Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, Infrared frequency selective surface with silver nanoparticles, 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Pasmonics, New York, USA, 2015김범석
◾ Donghwi Lee, Hyung Hee Cho, Beom Seok Kim, Dong Il Shim, Joon-Soo Lim, Bubble flow enhancement in pool boiling heat transfer with ultrasonic vibration, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015김범석
◾ Geehong Choi, Dong Il Shim, Sangwoo Shin, Beom Seok Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, Roughness effect on convective boiling heat transfer using refrigerant, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015김범석
◾ 이동휘, 김범석, 심동일, 임준수, 조형희, 풀 비등 환경에서 스마트 표면을 이용한 표면 온도 균일도 향상(Surface temperature uniformity enhancement by smart interfacial surface under pool boiling environment), 2015년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력부문 춘계학술대회, 서울, 2015김범석
◾ 이동휘, 김범석, 심동일, 임준수, 조형희, 스마트 표면에서의 풀 비등 열전달 성능 향상(Heat transfer performance enhancement by smart interfacial surface manipulation under pool boiling environment), 2015년도 한국유체기계학회 하계학술대회, 원주, 2015김범석
◾ 이동휘, 김범석, 최지홍, 심동일, 조형희, 표면 개질을 통한 스마트 계면에서의 풀 비등 임계 열유속 향상(Critical heat flux enhancement by smart interfacial surface manipulation under pool boiling environment), 2014년도 한국유체기계학회 학술대회, 부산, 2014김범석
◾ 최지홍, 이동휘, 심동일, 김범석, 신상우, 조형희, 냉매를 이용한 나노선 표면에서의 강제대류 비등열전달 특성 평가(Flow boiling heat transfer on nanowires surface using FC-72), 2014년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 광주, 2014김범석
◾ D. I. Shim, H. Lee, G. Choi, D. Lee, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Pool boiling characteristics on arranged nanowire surface, The 25th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Krabi, Thailand, 2014김범석
◾ D. I. Shim, G. Choi, H. Lee, D. Lee, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Microscale interfacial manipulation for effective heat dissipation through pool boiling heat transfer, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies, Daegu, Korea, 2014김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, T. Kim, J. B. Han, J. Song, H. H. Cho, Broadband solar absorption with structural light scattering and plasmonic confinement, The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro/Nano Technologies, Daegu, Korea, 2014김범석
◾ 심동일, 이환성, 최지홍, 이동휘, 김범석, 조형희, 표면형상 변화에 따른 비등열전달 특성(Boiling heat transfer characteristic on rough surface), 2014년 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회, 제주, 2014김범석
◾ 최지홍, 이환성, 심동일, 김범석, 조형희, 유체 젖음 특성에 따른 강제대류 비등열전달 임계열유속 평가(Effect of fluid wettability on CHF for flow boiling heat transfer), 2014년 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회, 제주, 2014김범석
◾ Hwanseong Lee, Geehong Choi, Donghwi Lee, Dong Il Shim, Sangwoo Shin, Beom Seok Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, Water propagation characteristics of non-uniformly deposited nanopillar, 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Hawaii, USA, 2014김범석
◾ Donghwi Lee, Dong Il Shim, Geehong Choi, Beom Seok Kim, Sangwoo Shin, Hyung Hee Cho, Nucleate bubble characteristics in pool boiling on micro-nano structured surface, The 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Hawaii, USA, 2014김범석
◾ H. Lee, D. I. Shim, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Water propagation characteristics of hexagonally arranged nanopillar surface, The 24th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Yamaguchi, Japan, 2013김범석
◾ G. Choi, D. I. Shim, B. S. Kim, S. Shin, H. H. Cho, Effect of surface structures on convective flow boiling heat transfer, The 24th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Yamaguchi, Japan, 2013김범석
◾ D. Lee, B. S. Kim, S. Shin, H. Lee, H. H. Cho, Effect of wettability on bubble dynamics in nucleate pool boiling, The 24th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Yamaguchi, Japan, 2013김범석
◾ 김태환, 김범석, 김경민, 신창환, 인왕기, 조형희, 혼합 날개가 이중냉각 핵연료 노심 봉다발 내 준주기적 유동 맥동에 미치는 영향(Effect of mixing vane in quasi-periodic flow pulsation in dual-cooled nuclear reactor), 2013년도 대한기계학회 에너지 및 동력부문 춘계학술대회, 영흥, 2013김범석
◾ D. Lee, B. S. Kim, S. Shin, H. H. Cho, Effect of nano-structured surface on nucleated bubble dynamics in subcooled pool boiling, The 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, Korea, 2013김범석
◾ G. Choi, H. Lee, H. Moon, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Effect of surface roghness and wettability on flow boiling using refrigerant fluid, The 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, Korea, 2013김범석
◾ 최지홍, 이환성, 심동일, 신상우, 김범석, 조형희, 강제대류 비등열전달에서의 젖음성 영향 평가(Wettability effect of convective boiling heat transfer on rough surface), 2013년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회, 부산, 2013김범석
◾ 이동휘, 김범석, 신상우, 이환성, 조형희, 실리콘 평판에서의 과냉도에 따른 비등 특성(Nucleation characteristics on silicon surface under subcooled pool boiling), 2013년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회, 부산, 2013김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, D. Lee, S. Shin, H. H. Cho, Effects of nanoscale structural morphology and surface wettability on local pool boiling performances via silicon nanowires, The 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Auckland, New Zealand, 2012김범석
◾ D. Lee, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Influence of nanoscale surface modification on nucleate bubble size and frequency characteristics in subcooled pool boiling, The 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP), Auckland, New Zealand, 2012김범석
◾ G. Choi, H. Lee, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Enhancement of flow boiling heat transfer using impingement jet, The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering, Jeju, Korea, 2012김범석
◾ D. Lee, B. S. Kim, S. Shin, H. Lee, H. H. Cho, Effect of nanoscale structural morphology on nucleated bubble diameter and frequency in pool boiling experiments, The 5th International Symposium on Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering, Jeju, Korea, 2012김범석
◾ H. Moon, H. Lee, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, Y. K. Park, H. H. Cho, Thermal analysis of fluidized bed reactors for carbonation and regeneration, The 8th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, 2012김범석
◾ H. Lee, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, (Keynote lecture) Effect of silicon nanowire diameter on performance of pool boiling heat transfer, The 8th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, China, 2012김범석
◾ 김범석, 이동휘, 신상우, 조형희, 국소적 비등 특성 평가 기법을 이용한 표면 젖음성 효과의 고찰(Boiling performance evaluation on surface wettability via local heat transfer measurement technique), 2012년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문 춘계학술대회, 용평, 2012김범석
◾ 신상우, 김범석, 송지운, 이환성, 조형희, 이온전달제어를 위한 낮은 누설전류를 지니는 Gate-All-Around 이온전계효과트랜지스터(A facile fabrication of gate-all-around ionic field-effect transistor with low leakage current for control of ions), 2012년도 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회, 대전, 2012김범석
◾ G. Choi, H. Lee, D. Lee, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Application of large-scale electroless etched silicon nanowires for enhancing boiling heat transfer performance in flow boiling, 2012 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2012김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, S. Shin, S. H. Lee, K. M. Kim, H. H. Cho, Nanoscale surface manipulation via top-down Si etching technique and its application on boiling heat transfer enhancement, 2nd Nanotoday conference, Hawaii, USA, 2011김범석
◾ S. Shin, J. B. Han, H. Lee, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Enhanced length uniformity in template-assisted electrodeposited nanowires by gated electrodeposition, 2nd Nanotoday conference, Hawaii, USA, 2011김범석
◾ S. J. Shin, K. M. Kim, B. S. Kim, S. Shin, B. H. Hong, H. H. Cho, Dropwise condensation heat transfer on silicon nanowire substrate, 2nd Nanotoday conference, Hawaii, USA, 2011김범석
◾ 한재백, 송지운, 김범석, 신상우, 조형희, 주파수 선택 구조에 따른 적외선 반사/투과 특성(Effect of frequency selective surface on infrared reflection/transmission characteristics), 2011년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 대구, 2011김범석
◾ H. Chung, K. M. Kim, H. G. Kwon, S. Lee, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, Heat transfer and fluid flow on dimpled surface with bleed flow, 2011 International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, Xi'an, China, 2011김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, B. S. Kwak, S. Shin, K. M. Kim, H. I. Jung, H. H. Cho, Evaluation of mixing performance and design optimization of a rib-roughened type passive micromixer, Joint International Symposia on 3rd Micro & Nanotechnology and MICRO/NANOSCALE Energy Conversion & Transport-2010, Seoul, Korea, 2010김범석
◾ B. S. Kwak, B. S. Kim, S. H. Song, H. H. Cho, H. I. Jung, Micro cell analysis device using cellular photothermal effect and thermal sensor, IEEE Sensors 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009김범석
◾ K. M. Kim, B. S. Kim, D. H. Lee, H. Moon, H. H. Cho, Optimal cooling design of transverse rib turbulators in a circular channel, Proceedings of the Asian Congress on Gas Turbines 2009, Tokyo, Japan, 2009김범석
◾ 김범석, 곽봉섭, 정효일, 조형희, 마이크로 채널 내 설치한 요철의 각도 변화에 따른 액체 혼합에 관한 연구(Effect of rib angle for liquid mixing in microchannel), 2008년도 대한기계학회 열공학부문/유체공학부문 춘계학술대회, 태백(하이원 호텔), 2009김범석
◾ 김범석, 곽봉섭, 신상우, 김경민, 정효일, 조형희, 반응 표면 기법을 이용한 rib 형상 마이크로 믹서의 형상 최적화(Optimization of rib-shape micromixer using response surface method), 2009년도 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회, 서울(서울대 정밀기계설계공동연구소), 2009김범석
◾ H. H. Cho, K. M. Kim, S. Shin, B. S. Kim, D. H. Lee, Multi-scale thermal measurement and design of cooling systems in gas turbine, The 4th International Symposium and Fluid Machinery and Fluid Engineering, Beijing, China, 2008김범석
◾ B. S. Kim, B. S. Kwak, S. Shin, H. I. Jung, H. H. Cho, Diffusive behavior of liquids in microfluidic channel with rib-shape passive micro mixer, The 7th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 2008김범석
◾ B. S. Kwak, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, H. I. Jung, Dual micro-thermopile based biocalorimeter for enzyme-substrate reaction, IEEE Sensors 2007, Atlanta, USA, 2007김범석
◾ B. S. Kwak, B. S. Kim, H. H. Cho, J. S. Park, H. I. Jung, Microfluidic thermal biosensor for biochemical reaction, MicroTAS 2007, Paris, France, 2007김범석
◾ 곽봉섭, 김범석, 조형희, 정효일, 이중 열전대와 미세유로를 이용한 자가보상 바이오 열전대 센서(A self-compensating micro thermal biosensor using microfluidic channels and dual-thermopiles), 제9회 한국 MEMS 학술대회, 제주, 2007김범석
◾ 김범석, 김정훈, 김용준, 조형희, 열유속 측정을 위한 미세 열유속 센서의 제작과 보정(Fabrication and calibration of micro heat flux sensor for heat flux measurement), 2005년도 대한기계학회 추계학술대회, 평창(용평리조트), 2005김범석
◾ 김정훈, 김범석, 조형희, 김용준, 열전대를 이용한 미세 열유속 센서의 제작 및 평가(Fabrication and evaluation of a micro heat flux sensor using thermopile), 한국정밀공학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회, 제주(라마다호텔), 2005김범석
◾ 신상우, 김범석, 이장우, 유만선, 조형희, 압축성 고속 충돌제트에서 단열벽면온도 특성(Measurement of the adiabatic wall temperature in compressible high speed impinging jets), 한국유체공학회 제3회 학술발표대회, 제주, 2004김범석
◾ 조형희, 김경진, 김범석, 김윤영, 오동욱, 이형순, Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications (6th edition), 역서, 979-11-321-0851-1, McGraw Hill, 2021김범석
◾ 홍석호, 김범석 등, 한국형 핵융합실증로 개념연구보고서 I: Physics & Operation, 저서, Conceptual Study Report, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2021김범석
◾ 홍석호, 김범석 등, 한국형 핵융합실증로 개념연구보고서 II: K-DEMO Tokamak & Plant System, 저서, Conceptual Study Report, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2021김범석
◾ 홍석호, 김범석 등, 한국형 핵융합실증로 개념연구보고서 III: Safety, Regulation & Environment, 저서, Conceptual Study Report, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2021김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, (기술문서) 국내 방사성폐기물 분류기준 및 자체처분요건 규제분석, 기타, TN_049_2020-Safety-008-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2020김범석
◾ 홍권희, 김범석, 홍석호, (기술문서) JET의 원격 핸들링 유지 보수 기술 분석, 기타, TN_050_2020-Remote Maintenance-001-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2020김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, (기술문서) 주요 핵융합실험로 및 실증로 설계인자 비교 분석, 기타, TN_047_2020-Safety-006-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2020김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍석호, (기술문서) 국내 원자력안전법 체계 및 인허가 장벽 검토, 기타, TN_048_2020-Safety-007-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2020김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍권희, 박수현, 홍석호, (기술문서) ITER Code & Standard 체계 및 주요 부품의 적용 분석, 기타, TN_046_2019-Safety-005-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2019김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍권희, 박수현, 홍석호, (기술문서) ITER Project Requirement (PR) 리뷰 및 시스템 체계 분석, 기타, TN_045_2019-Safety-004-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2019김범석
◾ 김범석, 홍권희, 박수현, 홍석호, (기술문서) 국내외 원자력/핵융합 규제환경 및 핵융합실증로 안전연구, 기타, TN_044_2019-Safety-003-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2019김범석
◾ 김범석, 김병철, (기술문서) BA DEMO Safety 연구리뷰 및 K-DEMO 안전기술연구, 기타, TN_043_2018-Safety-002-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2018김범석
◾ 임기학, 김현욱, 권성진, 김범석, (기술문서) K-DEMO Safety Preliminary Requirements, Radiation Source Terms 및 Internal Energy Sources 산정, 기타, TN_042_2018-Safety-001-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2018김범석
◾ 김범석, 임기학, 김홍택, (기술문서) 중성자로 인한 K-DEMO 증식블랑켓의 방사화 특성 분석 및 rad-waste 산정, 기타, TN_040_2017-In-vessel-006-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2017김범석
◾ 김범석, 임기학, (기술문서) DEMO hot cell facility의 설계 개념 개발 및 주요 설계 인자 분석, 기타, TN_041_2017-Hot-cell-001-v01, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (한국핵융합에너지연구원), 2017김범석
◾ H. H. Cho, B. S. Kim, Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook - Heat and Mass Transfer in Silicon-Based Nanostructures, 저서, 978-1-49876-378-3 - CAT# K28987, Taylor & Francis (CRC Press), 2017김범석
◾ H. H. Cho, B. S. Kim, Impingement Jet Cooling in Gas Turbines - Impingement/Effusion cooling methods in gas turbines, 저서, 978-1-84564-906-7, Wessex Institute of Technology, 2014김범석
◾ Supercritical fluid cooling gas turbine apparatus (EPO), 특허 등록, REUNION, 2019김범석
◾ 구형의 실리카 표면에 나노선 형태로 음각화되어 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 이산화탄소 건식흡착제용 담체 및 이의 제조방법(Supporting material characterized by the nanowire type is engraved on the surface of the spherical silica for carbon dioxide dry adsorbent and the preparation thereof), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018김범석
◾ Supercritical fluid cooling gas turbine apparatus (Japan Patent), 특허 등록, 일본, 2017김범석
◾ Carrier for dry adsorbent for carbon dioxide including spherical silica whose surface is engraved in the form of nanowires and method for preparing the same (US Patent), 특허 등록, 미국, 2017김범석
◾ Gas turbine device using supercritical fluid as cooling fluid (US Patent), 특허 등록, 미국, 2017김범석
◾ 다단형 이온 트랜지스터 구조를 이용한 고효율 담수화 시스템 및 방법(Highly efficient desalination system and method using multi-stage ionic field-effect transistor), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2016김범석
◾ 초임계유체 냉각 가스터빈 장치(Super critical fluid gas cooling gas turbine device), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015김범석
◾ 이온 트랜지스터 구조를 이용한 고효율 나노유체역학 에너지수확 시스템 및 방법(Highly efficient nanofluidic energy harvesting system and method using ionic field-effect transistor), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014김범석
◾ 미세 표면 구조를 갖는 고효율 광-열에너지 변환소자 및 그 제조방법(Light-heat energy conversion module having nanostructured surface and method for fabricating the same), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2014김범석
◾ 열전달 소자(Heat transfer element and method of manufacturing the same), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013김범석
◾ 수소센서의 제조방법 및 그 제조방법에 의한 수소센서(Method for manufacturing hydrogen sensor and hydrogen sensor manufactured by the method), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2012김범석
◾ 기포 제거용 구조물 및 이를 이용한 구조물 제조방법(Method for manufacturing structure and structure for removing bubble), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2012김범석
◾ 층상형 마이크로 열유속 센서(Layered type micro heat flux sensor), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2012김범석
◾ 나노 구조물 및 마이크로 구조물이 형성된 연료 전지용 바이폴라 플레이트(Bipolar plate with nano and micro structures), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2011김범석
◾ 실시간 모니터링이 가능한 PCR 장치(PCR device which has a real-time monitoring function and method of real-time monitoring the same), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2011김범석
◾ 바이오 칼로리메타용 미세열 측정장치(Micro heat measuring system in bio-calorimeter), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2010김범석
◾ 생체유체의 반응 온도 측정 방법, 이를 이용한 마이크로칼로리미터 및 마이크로칼로리미터의 제조방법(Method of measuring reaction temperature of bio fluids, microcalorimeter using the same and method of manufacturing the microcalorimeter), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2010김범석
◾ 항온금속블록을 이용한 피씨알 장치 및 그 방법(Apparatus of PCR using constant temperature metal block and method thereof), 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2007김범석
◾ Evaluation of the electromagnetic/thermal characteristic of the in-vessel control coil of KSTAR by changing the magnitude and frequency of the Input current, Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering (KSME), 2024김범석
◾ Exploring the trade-off between magnetic field performance and heat generation in a in-vessel control coil (IVCC), Best Poster Award, 2nd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (IFPC) & 13th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (OS 2023), 2023김범석
◾ Thermo-mechanical behavior of In-vessel Control Coil in KSTAR under Electromagnetic Heating, 우수논문상, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME), 2023김범석
◾ Humboldt Research Fellowship, Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), 2015김범석
◾ 한국연구재단 박사후 해외연수과정 장학생, Post-doctoral fellowship, National Research Foundation of Korea (한국연구재단), 2014김범석
◾ 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 우수 포스터발표 논문상, Best poster award, Micro/Nano Engineering Division Annual Spring Conference, KSME (대한기계학회), 2012김범석
◾ 대한기계학회 열공학부문 우수학위논문상, Best thesis award, KSME Thermal Engineering Division, KSME (대한기계학회), 2012김범석
◾ 우수논문상, Best paper award, Yonsei University (연세대학교), 2011김범석
◾ STX 장학생, STX Scholarship, STX scholarship foundation (STX 장학재단), 2008김범석
◾ 서울과학장학생, Scholarship for Seoul Science Fellowship, Seoul Metropolitan Government (서울특별시), 2007김범석
Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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